Student and Parent Sign In

Enter your Username and Password

Create an Account

Create a parent account that allows you to view all of your students with one account. You can also manage your account preferences. Learn more.

Unable to Log In?

If you have forgotten your username and/or password for the Parent Portal, you can use the "Forgot Username or Password" link above to get help. There are two tabs, one for ""Forgot Username" and another for "Forgot Password". Follow the steps on the screen and then check your email for further directions.

If you still have problems, please contact the school your child attends.
School Phone School Phone
Please note if you contact the district office, you will be directed back to the school. Schools should contact the district office if an issue cannot be resolved.
Calhoun Elementary 864-260-5090 Varennes Elementary 864-260-5125
Centerville Elementary 864-260-5100 Whitehall Elementary 864-260-5255
Concord Elementary 864-260-5105 Glenview Middle 864-716-4060
Homeland Park Primary 864-260-5125 McCants Middle 864-260-5145
McLees Elementary 864-716-3600 Robert Anderson Middle 864-716-3890
Midway Elementary 864-716-3800 Southwood Academy of the Arts 864-260-5205
Nevitt Forest Elementary 864-260-5190 T.L. Hanna High 864-260-5110
New Prospect Elementary 864-260-5195 Westside High 864-260-5230
North Pointe Elementary 864-260-5040 Anderson Five Charter 864-260-5160
If you receive an error message saying that there is a "Problem Syncing", please delete the PowerSchool app and re-install. Our district code is GWJZ